Auntie Inyang

May your soul rest in peace. 🙏😢

Wasting time

I really require to get my act together. I use most of my time on things that do not matter. Tonight I used three hours searching for a calendar to list what requires to be managed. Not really needed, but yet I search for one and did not find one that met my needs. Simple things like that is ruining me! Get my act together!!!

I could have used that time to study! Is that why I am using my time unproductively, to get away from the things that would cause me to strain my brain? Hmmm… My brain tricking me? SHOOTS!!!

Ferris Bueller

As Ferris stated, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Because I do not have a schedule set, there are days that I miss posting! Also, because I do not have a schedule, my life is in havoc. I feel as I do not have control of my life and I bounce for task to task as the task come my way. I even miss things that I set to do on my to do list, because I do not have a schedule of when to do them. I am tired of being sick and tired and starting right now moving forward, I am setting a schedule!

  1. Create a schedule (daily, weekly, monthly, annually)
  2. Follow the schedule
  3. See step 1

I can do this!