Twitter Feed

Site improvements:
I added the Twitter Feed! Now I can do shorter post via Twitter, although some of my posts are short! 😉

One thing I do not like with Twitter, there is no edit, a mistake is a mistake and if I wanted to correct my twit, I would have to delete and restart! 🙁 Oh well, a good way to be an editor and make sure that prior to posting that the article is free of grammar and spelling errors.

There are few more widgets I will be placing on the side, to keep me on tracked. Like the process chart and bucket list.

About yesterday:
Been busy lately. Noticed that my days are running me, instead of me running my days. My studies have fallen to the wayside. I need to collect myself and focus once again on my goals and remove the static noise from keeping me in accomplishing what I want to accomplish. I want to be/get on the LIST!

I have been meditating, and the application on my phone keeps track of how many sessions I have completed. As of yesterday, I have completed 126 meditation sessions. I am trying to settle my mind and gain control of my mind, rather than my mind having control over me. I would like to be able to control the thoughts that I think about, the images that flashes in my mind and have me follow a rabbit hole. So far so good. I have noticed an improvement in catching myself when a thought is creeping in and I block that thought and grab another thought to replace that thought. Interesting! I was never conscious of the thoughts that came in and out of my mind. I am also conscious of what occupies my time, but that is something that I am still battling with. I still have the shinning object syndrome. I am working to be in control of at least 60% my mind by January 01, 2020.