I fell asleep…

and when I woke up, I was old.

I only get one shot at life. There is no redo. So, besides in putting my dues at work, I use as much of my time with family, and the rest I use for myself learning about my interest, technology. Yesterday was another day and today is another that I create for me. As each second ticks away, a second of me goes into the past, never to return.

Many of the things that I once thought was important, is now not so important. Thoughts of my Father come into my mind as he watched the news, read the newspaper and books, as I watched cartoons and read comics. I recall my Father watching presidential debates and thought, “yawn, that is sooo boring. People just talking.” Now I watch the same thing! I recall him saying, “Everyday, think of what you are doing that will help you tomorrow. Sacrifice today and enjoy the fruits of your labor tomorrow.” He also said to me, “You will never know how much your Mother and I love you, as you will only find out when you become a parent. Your Mother and I guide you the best that we could in this changing world. What we say might not make any sense now, but we are giving you the knowledge of what we went through and want you to have the best of what we had and to avoid our mishaps.” I did not know what he was talking about then, but now I do. Most of the advice he gave, went in one ear and out the other, but although I did not implement then when I was young, I still remember what he said and implementing them now. If only I knew then what I know now, I would have asked him more questions. Now I have questions that will never be answered. I miss him sooo much! 😢

I am a hoarder, of both physical possession and of data. I, for some reason, associate those things as being a part of me. Today I will work into my life the way of being a minimalist. I will start to discard “the” items. I was going to say “my” items, but then that would associate that item as being mine/or part of me, and what is mine/a part of me is difficult to discard. I believe someone whispered this saying in my ear and got stuck, “It is better to have and not need, than to need and not have.” A new saying I came across is helping find myself,”Accept and just let go.” Most of the things I have is not because I need or want them, I just cannot let go of them. Since I have a difficult time of discarding, the best thing I can do until I have got rid of my items, is to not add new items! This is were discipline will have to rise to the occasion. Which reminds me, I am currently reading Jocko Willink’s book, Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual. I am finding the advice the book provides useful. I am also a self help junkie.

Someday when I die, no one will renew this domain and just like me, the domain will disappear into the ether.