QUAD SATA KIT for Raspberry PI

I ordered the kit from ALLNET.CHINA on February 23, 2020 and received on May 28, 2020.

*Delay due to the Covid-19 empedemic.

Source: Shenzhen, China
Destination: Washington State, U.S.A

I did purchase another QUAD SATA HAT KIT. Although the unit’s price has stayed the same, the shipping price did increase by $7.52.

1st Purchase:
Unit: $99.00
Shipping $19.44
Total: $118.44

2nd Purchase:
Unit: $99.00
Shipping $26.96
Total: $125.96

Updated July 24, 2020

Second order has shipped!
July 21, 2020 at 2:41 pm
Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item

Updated July 30, 2020

YAAY! Order received. Waiting for Hard drives to arrive from Amazon.

Updated September 23, 2020 2020

I finally had time to assemble my second unit, and found out that there was an issue. I contacted AllNet China and they assisted in troubleshooting the issue and helped get the issue resolved.

I discovered that AllNet China came out with a black version of the kit. Good thing that the kit was sold out, I might have been waiting for another kit. 😉

I will provide more details, as to my setup and the kit’s performance, in a separate post, as time allows.
Building a RAID5 with four 1TB drives took approximately two hours.

Item Price (items purchased with different vendors)
QUAD SATA Kit for Raspberry PI #1: $118.44

Raspberry PI 4 4GB: $67.05
Unit: $55.00
Shipping: $5.68
Taxes: $6.37

Seagate BarraCuda 1TB x 4: $216.34
$48.99 x 4 = $195.96
Taxes = $20.38

Total Build Price: $401.83

My twin RAID5 towers are complete. I decided to run them with the covers off. With the covers on, seems adds about about 10℃.

I still think that the QUAD SATA Kit for Raspberry is a bargain.

I am not an affiliate or being sponsored (getting paid) by ALLNET.CHINA, but simply providing a review on my purchase.